DNA Ladders


DNA Ladders


Product Details

1Kb Ladder:

Ideal for determining the size of dsDNA from 500 to 10000 base pairs; consists of 10 linear double stranded fragments.

100bp Ladder:

Ideal for determining the size of dsDNA from 100 to 1500 base pairs; consists of 11 linear double stranded fragments.

λDNA/Hind III Digest:

Yields 8 fragments suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis, ranges 23 kb to 125 kb.

Ordering Information

Cat# Product Specifications
LD2681 100 bp ladder 50 µg at 100 ng/µl
LD2682 1 kb ladder 50 µg at 104 ng/µl
LD2683 λDNA/Hind III Digest 50 µg

Shipping & Storage Conditions

DNA Ladders must be shipped and stored at -20°C

Protocol_DNA Ladders

MSDS_DNA Ladders

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